
Fabric Casting Fall 2023
Geometric Discpline
Crit:  j.jih

Through a series of carefully designed experiments, I aim to answer a pivotal question: How does working with or against gravity affect various materials, and what underlies the diverse outcomes observed?

Central to this investigation is the recognition that the materiality of objects serves as a tangible manifestation of gravity. The apparent “lightness” or “heaviness” of materials triggers distinctly different affect on human perception and experience. By strategically situating materials under scrutiny, this exploratory series seeks to push the boundaries of our understanding of these effects and delve into the intricate dynamics between gravity and materiality.

Gravity, a fundamental force shaping the interaction between celestial bodies and governing the fall of objects on Earth, forms the backdrop for this exploration. Beyond its conceptual confines lie interconnected phenomena such as pressure, weight, force, and heaviness. Building on Galileo Galilei’s timeless observations, this study delves into the intrinsic equality of gravity across all matter, transcending boundaries not only between densities but also between speeds.

The research endeavors to scrutinize the nuanced interplay between different materials and gravity, seeking to unravel the factors that influence their interaction.